Food is such a huge part of travelling, to the extent that many of us solely travel for food. We can’t wait to try the cuisine, cafes, restaurants, and street foods while planning our trip. Every place we visit has its culinary tale, woven with traditions, enriched with flavours, developed with techniques, and perfected with time and generations. It is a privilege and a blessing for a traveller to enjoy these gifts of culture and tradition of human settlements. As we venture forth to places like Kabini, Tadoba, and Gokarna natural reserves where Red Earth has found its home, our exploration of local foods takes on a deeper significance. It’s an opportunity to not only satisfy our taste buds but also to engage in responsible travel practices that honour the environment and the communities that graciously host us. This journey isn’t just a feast for the senses; it’s a commitment to savouring the authentic, supporting local economies, and treading lightly on the Earth. Let us explore the ways to indulge in local flavours while travelling responsibly and sustainably.

Research Well
It is crucial to research the local cuisine well before taking a trip to that region. Learn about the local ingredients, flavours, cooking techniques, etc. It will not only help you understand the region better but also help you know what to expect when you visit.

Choose Local Ingredients
When you eat out in these regions, it is better to look for dishes with local produce and seasonal ingredients which will not only give you an insight into the native flavours but also be better for your health. Look out for local delicacies like the Bisi Bele Bhath from Kabini, Puran Poli from Tadoba, and Kana Rava Fry from Gokarna.

Minimise Food Waste
Be mindful of portion sizes and avoid ordering more food than you can comfortably consume. You may even carry empty tiffins to pack leftovers for later.

Respect the Environment
In natural reserves like Tadoba and Kabini, it’s crucial to follow guidelines for responsible tourism to minimise your impact on the environment and wildlife. Avoid feeding wild animals and be cautious with food storage to prevent attracting them to human areas.

Support Local Businesses & Vendors
It is important to support the locals of the place you visit while travelling responsibly. Eat at native-owned businesses, buy from local vendors and shops instead of big supermarkets, and put into the region’s economy which would ultimately help its people.

Be Mindful of Waste
It is common to have waste while travelling but best practices to reduce it include buying from sustainable shops, avoiding single-use plastic, carrying your own reusable cups, water bottles, cutlery, hand towels, and more.

Engage in Conversations with Local Communities
When possible, engage with locals to learn about their traditional recipes and cooking methods. Participating in cooking classes or food tours can be both educational and culturally enriching. Also, it is important to be aware of the cultural sensitivities and dietary restrictions of the local communities. This includes respecting local customs related to food consumption and preparation. Remember, engaging with the locals is one of the best ways to truly experience a place. Strike up conversations with the restaurant staff, market vendors, and fellow travellers to get personalised recommendations and insights into the local food scene.

Embark on a journey to savour the rich tapestry of local flavours while practising responsible travel. Our exploration of indigenous cuisines isn’t just about food; it’s a celebration of cultural heritage and a deep connection with nature. Each delightful bite is a reminder that our choices can leave a positive impact, harmonizing discovery and responsibility.

Let’s pledge to be conscious travellers, nourishing our souls with the stories of places and their people, while treading lightly upon our magnificent planet. Join us at Red Earth Resorts, where you can immerse yourself in the culinary treasures of Tadoba, Kabini, and Gokarna. Experience the beauty of these destinations while leaving behind eco-friendly footprints.