The four core aspects of Yoga practice are body, breath, mind, and life. These levels are an alternative reading of the eight “rungs” of Yoga, written by Patanjali in his Yoga Sutras. Yoga postures (Asanas), together with the practice of certain body locks (Bandhas) and purification exercises (Shatkarma), help keep our body healthy, strong, flexible, and with vitals on point.

A daily and correct practice of Yoga postures is great preventive medicine and has several health benefits. From a spiritual point of view, it calms your body and mind. Red Earth, our resort in Gokarna, has a Yoga Teacher Training Center if you want to make a career in Yoga or just want to learn it for yourself.

What is Tadasana?

Mountain Pose, known as Tadasana in Sanskrit, is a classic pose that is the foundation of all standing yoga poses. In Sanskrit, ‘Tada’ means ‘mountain’ and ‘asana’ means ‘pose’. If you have weak back muscles and rounded backs it can help restore the natural alignment. Though it seems very simple, Tadasana can help correct muscle imbalances, improve posture, and deepen awareness.

Formation of the posture:

1. In a Standing Position
Here’s how to do it in the standing position:

Stand on a yoga mat with your feet slightly apart.
Hands alongside your body.
Inhale deeply and raise your arms slowly upwards then interlock your fingers.
Raise your heels and stand on your toes.
Look up and feel your body stretching.
Put all your body weight on your toes and stretch out your shoulders, arms, and chest.
Hold this pose for a few seconds.
Exhale and return to the initial position.

2. In a Supine Position
The supine mountain pose is known as the Supta Tadasana in Sanskrit

Lie down on a mat and place a towel under the crown of your head straight and use some blankets that you can keep below your knees.
Lie down and recline using the blankets to restore your natural arch.
Raise your arms and take them above your shoulders.
Inhale and exhale for six counts each and get up slowly.

You can practice yoga at our Yoga Studio or at the beach in the open air at Red Earth, our resort in Gokarna.

Benefits of Tadasana:

It may help your body feel better by:

Improving Posture: If you have the tendency to hunch or slouch, practising Tadasana regularly will help you with back pain. You can stand tall naturally and your posture improves eventually.

Relief from Sciatica: If you’ve got Sciatica (pain that radiates along the path of the sciatic nerve, which branches from your lower back through your hips and buttocks and down each leg), Tadasana will help provide relief from the pain and prevents it from happening again.

Boosts Mental Awareness: Yoga is not just about movement. Tadasana helps you connect to your deeper consciousness and develops mental awareness. You tend to be more alert and calmer.

Healthy weight management: If you’ve been trying to lose weight but haven’t succeeded, try Tadasana. Metabolism improves and you burn calories faster.

Boosts Energy Levels: It rejuvenates the mind, body, and soul and helps boost energy levels.

Improved breathing patterns: Blocked lungs due to mucus or being unable to breathe properly is one of the modern-day issues we face. Tadasana opens up your lungs and lets you breathe deeply by clearing your lungs.

Stress Management: Practise Tadasana if you are having a bad day. It can help with depression and strengthen the nervous system. Your memory improves and you’ll be able to focus on matters that need attention.

May Help Increases Height: If you keep practising Tadasana at an early age and stick to it, you can end up gaining a few extra inches. Yes, this asana helps increase height. If it’s too late for you now, you can ask your children to start practising Tadasana.


The asana needs to be avoided in certain conditions like:

If you experience a headache, stop immediately.
If you take any anticoagulant medication or have low blood pressure, avoid doing this pose without consulting a doctor.

You can read about more Yoga poses in our blog Yoga must be easy! For learning or getting trained in more such asanas and yoga mudras you can join Yoga Teacher Training Centre at Red Earth, our resort in Gokarna. You can also read our blog Bhujangasana: The Cobra Pose to learn the Bhujangasana. You are welcome to stay at our bohemian resort in Gokarna, eat some Satvik food, practice yoga and relax