Yoga is not just a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual discipline, but also a way of life. It is a system of self-transformation, whose ultimate goal is enlightenment. If you are approaching yoga for physical benefits in your fitness routine, you can begin with some easy asanas that look basic but are of great benefit in the long run.

One of such asanas is the Bhujangasana as suggested by our yoga teacher in Red Earth, at our Resort in Gokarna. The resort also has a Yoga Teacher Training Center if you want to make a career in Yoga

What is Bhujangasana? “

Bhujangasana -

Bhujangasana, also called Cobra Pose, is a back-bending asana in Hatha Yoga for strengthening the vertebral column and stretching the entire upper body.” It basically is designed to strengthen the muscles in your shoulders, chest, and back.

Formation of the posture :

  • Lie down on your stomach.
  • Slowly raise your trunk and head with the support of the palms alone. The arms should be bent at the elbows.
  • Bend your neck slightly backward and lookup.
  • Naval should touch the floor.
  • Press your toes onto the floor. And then, extend them out.

Hold the asana for a few seconds.


Step-by-Step Instructions:

Lie down flat on the floor on your stomach. Stretch your legs back with your toes on the floor. Keep your palms spread on the floor under your shoulders and bring the elbows close to your body.

Press the tops of the feet and thighs firmly into the floor.

Inhale and press your palms into the floor, then, begin to straighten the arms to lift the chest off the floor. Lift up only up to your navel, while your pelvis maintains a connection with the floor. Gently squeeze and firm your buttocks as you keep pushing your navel center downwards.

Be strong with your shoulder blades as you engage them to open up your chest forward. Make sure that you are distributing the backbend evenly throughout the entire spine.

Hold the pose anywhere from 15 to 30 seconds, breathing easily. Release back to the floor with an exhalation. You can practice yoga in the Yoga Studio or at the beach in the open air at Red Earth, our resort in Gokarna.

Deepen the Pose:

If you want to challenge yourself, try to turn Bhujangasana into a deeper backbend. Take your hands ahead and straighten your elbows and turn the arms outward. Engage the sternum to lift up straight toward the ceiling.


If you are inflexible, it is recommended that you initially practice this asana with the help of support rather than doing this pose on the floor. Use a metal folding chair against a wall, place your hands on the front edge of the seat, feet on the floor, and then attempt this asana. Yoga teachers at the Yoga Teacher Training Centre of Red Earth Gokarna help you help learn yoga whether you are a beginner or an amateur.


Benefits -

  • Makes the spine strong:
  • Stretches the upper body chest and lungs, shoulders, and abdomen
  • Stimulates abdominal organs Helps relieve stress and fatigue
  • Opens the heart and lungs
  • The reproductive system strengthens
  • Helps with menstrual cycle problems.
  • Increasing blood circulation gives a glowing look.
  • Tones the buttocks
  • Helps in recovering from Sciatica
  • Relaxes in Asthma

Bhujangasana is very useful to give strength to your back. Practicing this pose individually or during the Surya Namaskar makes your spinal cord strong. This posture tones your body, improves your digestion and enhances kidney functions.

There is a concept of kundalini in yoga that essentially connects you to your higher consciousness and the Bhujangasana is the entry point to that. When you awaken your kundalini, your spiritual awareness improves, and achieve self-realization which eventually makes you see the world as it is.

Other than the physical and spiritual benefits it brings, emotional stability is one of the major benefits that it provides. A more centered, balanced, and calm version of yourself is what you achieve when you do this every day. You can experience relief from anxiety, any negative emotions are slowly flushing out, leaving you feeling lighter, happier, and positive.


  • The asana needs to be avoided in certain conditions like:
  • Back injury
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Pregnancy
  • Prone to conditions like stomach ulcers, hernia, etc.

Try practicing Bhujangasana in the morning for 5 minutes or in the evening with a gap of 4-5 hours after a heavy meal which will ensure that you are not uncomfortable lying on your stomach.

Practicing yoga has many benefits. If you are a beginner, you can try the basic asanas like Tadasana or the mountain pose, or Sukhasana. To read about more Yoga poses you can read our blog Yoga must be easy! For learning or getting trained in more such asanas and yoga mudras you can join Yoga Teacher Training Centre at Red Earth, our resort in Gokarna.