Yoga on the beach. Doesn’t it sound idyllic? Not only it makes you feel like you are on a vacation but also has plenty of health benefits. Yoga is the best way to challenge yourself, stretch yourself, deepen your poses, feel better about life and recover faster. It is one of the best ways to cultivate the oneness of the body and the mind and also unites the internal and external environment. Discover the true meaning and ancient methodologies of yoga and immerse yourself in a yogic lifestyle at Red Earth Gokarna, a serene eco-friendly resort in Gokarna.


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Yoga is one of India’s most weighty and well-received contributions to the world, undoubtedly. And there can be no setting more perfect for practicing this sublime art than the secluded beaches of Gokarna where the peace of the beaches along with the mystical and historical vibes of the town. So book a holiday with us and enjoy and learn beach yoga at Red Earth our resort in Gokarna that’s nestled among the soft sands and sheer cliffs of Honey Beach


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Here are all the reasons why beach yoga is a great way to keep your practice fresh:

Have a conversation with Nature: We forget how important it is important to have a conversation with nature. Wrapped in a blanket, watching television is good to take time off but sitting under a nice sturdy tree in the forest is better. Feeling the sand in your feet and the fresh air on your skin can all help your body in ways you never knew.

Enhance Your Creativity: Any form of exercise is generally a creativity enhancer. Yoga outdoor can greatly enhance your creative mind. The parts of your brain that become activated during yoga can help to enhance creativity. In fact, in the area of the brain called the hippocampus, your cells can regenerate faster if you practice yoga for at least 20 minutes per day. When you take your yoga practice on the beach, it can help to enhance your creativity even further.


Deepen Your Relaxation: Practising yoga outdoors, can help you become even more relaxed. Communicating with nature can have extremely positive effects on your nervous system. This coupled with the relaxing sounds of the ocean, the salty air and waters in the beach, chirping birds, can greatly help you to relax as you’re in the child’s pose or in a cat-cow pose. And simply feeling the wind on your face can also help you cool down a bit after an extremely vigorous session.


Difficult Postures: While practicing yoga on the beach you also get an opportunity to stretch your limits. When you keep your yoga mat on the sand, you’re not resting it on a sturdy surface, so you’ll need to find a way to balance yourself on the sand as well, to hold your pose, find your footing in the sand and make sure your hands don’t slide out. But the better part is you can try challenging poses on the beach because you won’t need to worry about falling on a hard wooden floor if you happen to get a few of the wrong


Challenge Your Focus: Any exercise that you do outside requires a little extra effort when it comes to focusing. When you do your yoga on the beach, you need to find a way to remain in a downward dog without losing your focus to bugs, birds, and waves.


Get Out of Your Comfort Zone: We usually prefer to work out in perfect condition, if it’s hot, we turn on the air conditioner. If it’s cold, we turn on the heat. If it’s windy, we close the window. Practicing yoga in a setting you’re not used to can help you get out of your comfort zone. you can’t just turn off the weather. Beach yoga is all about learning to adjust your attitude when things get rough—and not about trying to adjust everything else in the world around you. Also, when you do yoga in a setting that you’re not used to, you start learning things about your practice you never noticed before. You may notice your body reacting to a pose in a different way.


Vitamin D intake: Vitamin D is essential for regulating the calcium and phosphate in your body. A lack of vitamin D is associated with autoimmune diseases, such as MS and pain in your hands, legs, and joints. Beach yoga even on a cloudy day promotes vitamin D and will help you feel better about your workout overall.


When all is said and done, one of the best reasons to practice beach yoga is because it’s—well, by the beach! After a yoga class, you probably head straight to the beach and relax in the water and cool down or you can even relax in the sand for an hour or so to continue soaking up the benefits of the Great Outdoors. So join our yoga classes at Red Earth, our resort in Gokarna, and have fun at the beach.