Image Credit : Surfertoday


Gokarna, an extremely gorgeous location, has an endless number of fun activities that can be done with your family and friends. Although it’s a temple town, it also has several beaches. And beaches have a lot of beach activities. Staying in our resort in Gokarna, you can choose from a list of things to do in Gokarna according to the time and interest that you have. And if you have enough time, you can learn Surfing which is one of the most interesting beach sports and if you learn to surf, any beach experience becomes more exciting.

Surfing Gokarna
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Learning to surf in Gokarna:

Surfing is not just a sport for adrenaline rush, it also develops stamina and concentration in a person. It builds a focus. You might miss a wave but that will help you concentrate on the next wave so that you move with the flow. Three to five feet high waves in Gokarna beaches make the experience amazing. There are surfing schools in Gokarna, which train you in a very short period. After two or three classes in a day, you can start to surf in the sea. You can go for beach sports on Om Beach, Kudle Beach or Gokarna Beach.

Om Beach and Gokarna beach have higher and clean waves about 50% of the time, also the waves on these beaches break from both left and right making it a good surf stage.

There is also a surf school on Gokarna Main Beach which can train you according to the time that you have and provide you with surfboards on rent. If you just want to try surfing, a 2-hour session is provided. If you are more interested in a course of 3 days you can learn up to a beginner level where you learn about the waves, positioning and standing up. And within a week, you can do your first turn up. The instructors are internationally certified and help non swimmers and beginners

While staying in our resort in Gokarna you can visit the surf school in Gokarna and get trained in surfing.

Here is a list of other fun things to do in Gokarna:

Banana Boat ride: A fun and exciting activity which everyone can enjoy. A banana-shaped inflatable boat, pulled by a jet ski or speed boat, carries up to six people and flips the banana boat into the water. It’s a safe sport as everyone has life jackets and the crew keeps an eye on.

Snorkeling: Beaches in Gokarna do not experience a lot of rip tides, hence make it worth trying snorkeling. Even if you are not a swimmer, guides are there to help you snorkeling.

Jet Skiing: It’s one of the sports that excites a lot of travelers in Gokarna. It’s easy to handle even if you don’t know how to ride and there are instructors to help you.

Scuba Diving: You can discover some beautiful sea flowers and corals while scuba diving in Gokarna in a depth of 15 to 20 feet.

Parasailing: Another prominent sport in Gokarna. A speedboat tows a canopy designed like a parachute. Beach Trekking: There are four main beaches in Gokarna. Gokarna Main Beach, Kudle Beach, Om Beach, Half Moon Beach. One of the things to do in Gokarna is beach trekking. It roughly takes around 20 minutes to trek from one beach to another.

Watching Phytoplankton: Phytoplankton are a major attraction for travelers in Gokarna. At our resort in Gokarna, you can see them very often at night.

Yoga at the Beach: Discover yoga and take a step towards yogic lifestyle at our resort in Gokarna. You can walk down to any beach and practice yoga in the serene vibe of Gokarna.

There are an endless number of things to do in Gokarna and around Gokarna. Staying in our resort in Gokarna you can experience each and every one of them.