Last year had an overarching theme. Suddenly all of us woke up to the need for strong immunity. No wonder the conversation veered towards Yoga and its efficacy in helping us with COVID preparedness. So the short answer to the question of can yoga help with boosting immunity is yes. Now, for the long answer and to know how and why, and how a Yoga retreat in our wonderful Red Earth Resort Near Gokarna can help you build immunity,  read on.

Why are we more and more prone to diseases such as COVID? 

Our stress-filled life magnified by lack of sleep, improper nutrition are the major factors leading to a weakened immune system. Stress leads to an impairment in the ability of the body to resist the onslaught of germs. Cortisol, the stress hormone remains in the bloodstream for an extended period causing inflammation reducing the body’s natural efficacy to fight alien attacks. It is seen that Yoga helps with reducing inflammation thereby directly improving immune response. Practicing Yoga in natural surroundings steeped in beauty and serenity such as at Red Earth Resort near Gokarna has the added benefit of an easy focus and sense of wellbeing.

yoga near our gokarna resort

Medicines are curative in the sense that they help recover from the disease. But medicines are never an answer for improving immunity. Apart from the physiological effect of reduced inflammation, Yoga also helps calm the mind and improves the quality of sleep, which is again a huge immunity booster.

Although external pollutants have increased the occurrence of diseases in our population, the blame does not lie squarely on that. We have slacked off in taking active steps to maintain our inner health as well. A relaxing yet active vacation in a wellness resort such as Red Earth Resort in Gokarna is a great way to kick start your journey of immunity upgrade.

Now to understand the basic concepts of Yoga as showcased in the ancient texts are as follow, of course, our Yoga experts at Red Earth Resort near Gokarna could help you understand and appreciate these concepts much better along with the proper way of exercising:

Yoga focuses on the harmony of all aspects that make up the whole existence and the human body as a part of it. 

Annamaya – the physical or the gross

Pranamaya Kosha – the bio-energy

Manomaya Kosha – the mind energy

Vignanamaya kosha – the intellectual energy

Anandamaya Kosha – the all-pervasive serene energy

Mastery over the mind is a signature feature of Yoga. Several techniques exist therein to achieve this including asana, pranayama, meditation, kriya. Yoga also has techniques to stabilize the emotional dimension too. Prashamana, the exuberance of thoughts of love and acceptance helps let go of violent thoughts and reactive nature. This has been demonstrated to have a harmonizing effect between the brain and the heart with biochemical markers supporting it.

Start by doing a thorough warm-up. Head rotation, clockwise and anti-clockwise gets you started.

Next swing your arms in circles, both orientations again. Jumping jacks, torso twists, and side stretches get your heart pumping and body warmed up. Loosen your ankles with a circular motion.

You are ready to tackle the simple asanas that have proven beneficial in boosting immunity against diseases.

  1. Trikonasana (Triangle pose)

Known to strengthen your shoulders, chest, core and legs, this pose leaves you feeling relaxed.

yoga training at our gokarna resort

Duration: Hold the pose for 30 seconds. Take 5 to 10 deep breaths. Repeat 3 times on every leg.

Benefits of triangle pose: Releases the tension in your shoulders, reduces stress and anxiety, improves blood circulation, concentration and balance. It is considered to be one of the best yoga poses that boost your immune system.

  1. Uttanasana (Forward Fold)

This is a powerful pose where oxygen reaches your brain since it is at a lower position than your heart, leaving your cells energized.

Duration: Hold the pose for 15-30 seconds and take deep breaths.

Benefits of forwarding fold: Eases congestion in sinuses, thereby boosting your immunity. Relieves stress, anxiety and beats insomnia. Keeps you calm.

  1. Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)

This pose falls under Suryanamaskar (sun salutation). It opens your lungs, strengthens your spine, and increases your energy.

yoga asana at our gokarna resort

Duration: Hold the pose for 15-30 seconds and breathe normally.

Benefits of cobra pose: Relieves stress and fatigue, elevates your mood. Also helps with asthma and breathing problems.

  1. Shishuasana (Child pose)

This pose will help you relax after you have nailed the earlier three poses. Unlike the others that must be done in the morning, you can do this pose whenever you need a break in the middle of a stressful day.

Duration: Hold for 1 to 3 minutes.

Benefits of child pose: Works best for getting a sound sleep, eases back pain, relaxes your entire body and boosts your immune system by stimulating the lymphatic system.

  1. Matsyasana (Fish Pose)

When you get into this pose, the thyroid gland is stimulated, which further helps to boost your immunity. Matsyasana also eradicates toxins from your digestive system.

Matsyasana (Fish Pose) 

Duration: Hold the pose for 30-60 seconds. Breathe normally.

Benefits of fish pose Combats anxiety and fatigue. Helps with respiratory problems, eases back pain, releases tension in your neck and shoulders.

  1. Viparita Karani (Legs up the wall)

A fairly simple pose, but you can’t imagine a yoga sequence to boost your immune system without it. It relaxes your nervous system and thus helps to strengthen your immunity.

Viparita Karani (Legs up the wall) 

Duration: Start by holding the pose for 5 minutes, then increase the duration with practice.

Benefits of legs up the wall pose: Relieves stress, headache, migraine, insomnia, anxiety and menstrual cramps. It is also known to help with fertility problems.

  1. Anand Balasana (Happy baby pose)

It can help you end your yoga session on a fun note. It is a great pose to detoxify your hips and calm your mind.

Anand Balasana (Happy baby pose) 

Duration: Hold the pose for 30-60 seconds. Breathe normally.

Benefits of the happy baby pose: Releases tension from your lower back, increases vitality, reduces stress and fatigue, elevates mood, and rejuvenates your mind. Thus, working wonders to boost your immunity.