Night Safari in Tadoba

Sighting Tiger in Night Safari

This is a special time because diurnal animals are finishing their daily activities and returning to their roosts or nests, while nocturnals, who have been thirsty and hungry for long periods, are emerging into the wild.  Civets and other nocturnal, arboreal species descend in search of food and water.

What makes a Night Safari unique?

Exploring the wonders of wildlife in the daylight provides a unique sense of privacy and adventure. On the other hand, prowling deep forests in the dead of night is a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Nocturnal animals’ adaptations

The eyes and pupils of animals that are active at night are larger. Because they have a larger pupil, they can collect more light, which allows them to see in the dark better than we can. In their eyes, there are more rod cells than cone cells.